Sunday, September 20, 2009

How to Decorate a Room

Create Your Own Environment

Your home is YOUR Castle!


I believe that everyone has beautiful design within themselves. As an interior designer, I am not here to impart MY design esthetic on you, but to find out what YOUR design esthetic is and help you put it together for a beautiful and useful space that you are comfortable and proud to live in.

There are several facets to interior design and each has it’s own specialty, and within each of those specialties there is such depth and detail that it is imposible to teach in a blog such as this. I will do my best to separate each facet and give enough detail to make informed and educated decisions as to how to put together a beautiful and useful space.

We will be discussing Psychology of Color and Color Palettes, Ambiance and Emotion, Principles and Elements of Good Design, Paths and Space Planning, Patterning – The Eclectic Mix, Finishes and Textures, Furniture Construction and Design, Lighting, and Accessorizing.

Along the way, I will give you resources and good, better best choices for what you should spend your money on and what you can skimp on. If you would like to do some of the assignments or projects that I will talk about, feel free. I would love to hear from you all and critique anything you would like to share. I would like to have this be an open forum with questions, suggestions from you and answers from other experts.

So, lets get started!